military TIME converter - ARMY TIME CONVERTER - 24 hour clock converter
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Military time is a method used to measure the time based on a 24 hour clock instead of using two groups of 12 hours each. Military Time is sequential in nature and the hours go from 00 to 23. The 12 hour time format does not distinguish clearly between the end of a day and the beginning of the other.
Military time is standard and leaves no room for error. This is the reason why it is used for all major emergency services in the U.S. and Canada. This time format is different than the regular 24 hour format as it does not use colons. Also, it is pronounced differently. The military time is pronounced as a four digit number: |
examples of military TIME (ARMY TIME) v.s. 24 hour clock (24hr time
What time is 1700 hours? |
Download Excel Military Time Converter - DOWNLOAD NOW
Please note: some people confuse Military Time (24hr time - 20:15) with Time in Decimal Hours (8.25).
If you are looking to convert Regular Hours into Decimal hours, visit our Decimal Hour Training Page or download our Regular to Decimal Hour Converter.
To calculate a timesheet using the 24 hours clock, try our Time Card Calculator - Military Time
examples of military TIME (ARMY TIME) converted to regular time:
While the military time uses a 24 hour format, the regular time uses a 12 hour format. Here are some examples of conversion from military time to regular time.
1700 | 5:00 PM |
1800 | 6:00 PM |
1900 | 7:00 PM |
1700 is what time? 5:00 PM
Here you can download military weekly timesheet (with or without lunch breaks) in the Excel format. You can also try the online AM/PM time card calculator by clicking below.

Exce Military Weekly Timesheet with Lunch Breakl
For one-time quick calculation - try our Online AM/PM Time Card Calculator
suggest new excel templates Suggestions from people like you helped us develop the above Excel templates. We build Free Weekly and Montly Timesheets.